Friday, October 9, 2015

Science 1 -->Metamorphosis

As we jump into studying about animal life cycles I wanted to give you the opportunity to learn about different insects (animals) that go through incomplete and complete metamorphosis.

First Assignment-- Metamorphosis Activity:
Use the website link below to learn about different insects and their life cycles. Then complete your activity sheet. You have a week to complete this activity.

Tuesday, October 27

Complete the activity sheet you were given in class. If you have misplaced it you can print another from engrade.

Second Assignment--Manduca Caterpillar Lab:
Use the link below to enter a Virtual Lab for the Manduca Caterpillar experiment.

Tuesday, October 27

The handout that you were given in class has your directions and your data table. We will be graphing your data during class on October 27, so be sure to bring your handout back to class!